Book now for the 4th WiSE UP workshop. Confidence: the ultimate career ingredient facilitated by Tennie Videler.
Confidence is key to achieve your career goals. A lack of confidence in our self-value is like a glass ceiling, doesn’t allow us to grow. Join us in the last WiSE UP 2017 series workshop and learn how to improve your confidence, get noticed and fulfill your ambitions.
Tennie works for the University of Cambridge as Research Funding Coordinator at Cambridge Institute of Public Health. She did an undergraduate degree in Chemistry in the Netherlands. An opportunity to spend nine months in the UK as an exchange student resulted in Tennie starting a PhD research project on the interface between chemistry and biology. She spent 16 years doing research on structural biology, using different techniques on different systems.
The Workshop will be held in the Woodlegh Room at Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge.
Tuesday 28th March. 8-10pm
Book now closed!
Members £12 / non-members £18