Date: 15 November 2018
Location: Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre, Cambridge
ExoMars is Europe’s first Rover mission to Mars – a mission in search of life, past or present, to answer one of mankind’s big questions: are we alone in the Universe?
Abbie Hutty (Airbus Defence and Space Ltd), the Lead Design Engineer for the Structure during the design phase, and now Platform Delivery Manager for the rover, will talk through what the mission’s aims and objectives are. She will take us through some of the major challenges and design drivers of a mission to Mars are, and how the team are engineering solutions to meet those challenges. Abbie Hutty works for Airbus Defence and Space and holds the title of 2013, IET Young Woman Engineer of the Year. She is an active campaigner for diversity in the engineering profession.
CamAWiSE is pleased to be supporting the jointly organised event by the Institute of Physics (IOP) and The Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET), as a part of the year long Women in Physics series.
Join us at the Cavendish Laboratory, Pippard Lecture Theatre.You are welcome to attend for refreshments and networking from 6:30pm.
Car and cycle parking will be available in the Park & Cycle car park until 9:00 pm which is accessed via Clerk Maxwell Road CB3 0EL
All are welcome for the free event, though registration is required. Click here to register on Eventbrite: