Date: 21 January 2021
Time: 6.30 pm – 8.30 pm
We are delighted to be joined by Naily Makangu (Founder and Business Transformation Consultant at Athena Leaders).
OverviewDue to various reasons, a lot of women hold themselves back from leadership positions. This can be at a conscious or subconscious level.
How do I know this? Well through my own personal journey and the stories of many women, whether in STEM or not. In fact, one of the first hurdles for most women is the emphasis on the word “leadership”. Am I a leader or not? Do I need some form of “authority” or “permission” to lead and inspire others? Once you go beyond that, there are the various challenges of leading in STEM (a male dominated industry).
How do you cope with impostor syndrome and really
believe in the value that you bring to your workplace?

This Workshop will cover:
What we do as women unconsciously that stop us from owning our leadership space?
Your strengths and how to use them.
Challenges faced by women leaders and how to overcome them.
At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:
Call out limiting self-belief and self-sabotaging actions you might not be aware of.
Increase your Emotional Intelligence to lead without authority.
Have a plan to go for the leadership roles you are interested in.
ALL WELCOME (all genders and non-STEMM).
Booking for this has now closed.
Why not book the full series at a discounted price.

Naily Makangu helps start-ups and small businesses sweep up challenges, leaving behind a legacy of happy high performing teams.
Starting as a Software Engineer, she carved her own path into creating Athena Leaders, a remote-firstManagement and Leadership consultancy. She is an award-winning Trainer and Leader with severalyears of experience working in the STEMM sector. Naily has an amazing ability to lead teams and projects, bringing clarity and processes to allow themto sleep better at night. Above all, she promotes a positive culture where leaders are able to growand people thrive.

Naily has a proven track record of turning around struggling organisations as well as complex projectsand programmes. Her impact portfolio includes taking an organisation from the brink of closure towinning five awards in less than a year. Naily’s awards & achievements includes:“Most Outstanding Leader” | “Best Trainer in the UK” | “Best Local Growth & Development Program” in Europe with Junior Chamber International