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Intercultural Competencies and Leadership

Writer: Cambridge AWiSECambridge AWiSE

Updated: Feb 2

Date:  13th April 2021

Time: 6:30 – 8:15pm


CamAWiSE is pleased to welcome Danielle Feger (Research Development Consultant and founder of Equilibrium4Wellbeing).


At a time that has seen a seismic shift in working practises across the world, personal and organisational leadership has never been as important as it is right now. The way in which we approach business dramatically changed over the past few decades. Prior to the pandemic (2020), the uptake of interconnected technologies and interdependence of cultures between organisations was keenly felt, with an exponential trend last year.

“Self-awareness and cultural awareness are inseparable”

Communicating across cultures is the great challenge of the global community. In a world that grows closer together, we cannot afford cultural illiteracy. We view people and situations through our own cultural lens and judge or misjudge them accordingly. Therefore, self-awareness and cultural awareness are inseparable. Leadership has moved to one more

collaborative and cross-disciplinary in nature, crucial in gaining an edge.

Learn to create long lasting, productive inter-relationships from almost anywhere in the world to your personal one-to-ones.

In this Workshop we will:

  • Examine our own identity (influences of personal and cultural ‘baggage’).

  • Learn about common cross-cultural theories (cultural iceberg, cultural relativity).

  • Look at dimensions of intercultural interactions (high- vs low-context, power distance).

At the end of the workshop, you will be able to:

  • Appreciate the impact of your own culture on your values, assumptions, and behaviour.

  • Understand how cultural frameworks influence ways of thinking and doing.

  • Adapt your behaviour to communicate effectively in intercultural encounters.

ALL WELCOME (all genders and non-STEMM).

Bookings have now closed.


From a strong and established career at the University of Cambridge, Danielle Feger managed large successful international research projects, with global key-stake holders across universities and organisations. The practicalities helped shape fundamental relationships, which in turn have led to pioneering research. The binding dexterity lay in Danielle’s extensive experience and learning in Intercultural Communication.

Danielle Feger’s professional background set the foundation in creating Equillbrium4Wellbeing. She developed her own wellbeing concept, based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Mindfulness and Yoga. Danielle leads the Wellbeing Programme at a global research company and runs her workshops on Wellbeing and Intercultural Communication in the UK as well as in German speaking countries. Her programmes support employees’ mental wellbeing and help them to shift from ‘Coping’ to ‘Thriving’.


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