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What Next for your Career in Science

The annual careers lunchtime talk on scientific careers, held in association with the MRC-LMB, will take place on Friday 30th June 12:00-14:00 in the Max Perutz Lecture Theatre. The presentations will be followed by a buffet lunch and networking opportunity.

Before the crowds

Topics to be covered include career transitions into the Biotech Industry, Business Development and Consultancy, and Public Engagement.

The speakers are:

Dr. Elizabeth Fairley
Elizabeth is currently the Director at Talking Medicines

Dr. Monika Papworth
Monika is at MedImmune (formerly Cambridge Antibody Technology)

Dr. Sarah Cumbers
Sarah works at NICE and is currently an Associate Director.

This event and lunch is free and open to all AWiSE members and others in

Please register on Eventbrite

Friday 30th June
Venue: Laboratory of Molecular Biology

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