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Posts from the ‘Business and Entrepreneurship’ Category

Natacha Wilson and how to run successful projects

by Aldara B. Dios

At the International Women’s Day, we were fortunate enough to have Natacha Wilson as the host of the workshop “10 tips on how to run successful projects”.


We started the evening sharing our story with a friendly face: What do you do? and What kind of project have you managed? The list was broad and diverse, which included annual reports, file Athena Swan applications, clinical trials, family holidays and house expansions.

And before starting with her tips, Natacha asked us again, what makes a project successful for us? That was a pivotal question as we needed to know what to achieve before starting. Some of the answers were recurring, but some of them not. The meaning of success it was found, is different in each case and depends on the environment of the project.


Once success was defined, we explored how we would do we achieve:

  1. Gain consensus on the goals. One way is setting SMART goals, that is, goals that are Specific, Measurable, Agreed upon, Realistic and Time-based. On every project, if you know your specific and measurable goals it is easier to know when it’s a success.
  2. Build and BE the best team you can. Although nowadays the lens is a lot on processes and performance, without the right people the project doesn’t happen. It was related to “No one person can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra”.
  3. Design, update and share a project plan. Many project managers make the mistake of not sharing the project plan with the team. Again, the team is essential!
  4. Determine what you need in advance. Plan, schedule, and Identify the tasks, sequence them, estimate time and budget, add key milestones and with that create a draft schedule.
  5. Be realistic with your schedule. People don’t work 24/7. Be MOSCOW to prioritise. Define the Must do and Should do goals and prioritise those from the Could do and Would do. On most of the projects the Must do and Should do are the least interesting but, should be prioritised and the team should understand this.
  6. People matter. Take care of your team and understand it. Not only do you need the people with the right skills, you also need people who work well together and have the experience needed.
  7. Teammates should know the needs of the others and yours. For that, you have to communicate with them.


  1. Create and innovate. Solve the problems trying new ways to do things.
  2. Praise and empower your team. And remember that if you have to criticize someone it has to be balanced, objective, observed, specific and timed. And never focus on the person but on the problem.
  3. Have fun!

To end the evening Natacha asked us to reflect on and explore at least three of the questions we talked about during the workshop.


Thank you, Natacha, for such a fun and productive evening.

Relaunch your career: First talk tease.

From Label to Able

The most attractive quality in anyone is to know yourself – your strengths, motivations and how you can make a difference. Katherine Wiid, a Cambridge based Career Management Coach who specialises in career motivation, will help delegates consider themselves with fresh eyes not just as a “returner to work” or a “trailing spouse”.

Katherine believes that it is not what you’ve got – it’s what you do with what you’ve got!

katherine wiid

Katherine Wiid

Hear from Katherine among other speakers during the Relaunch your career event. Read more here

Booking is now closed

November 4th 2017,  British Antarctic Survey’s Aurora Center

British Antarctic Survey’s Aurora Center

Coffee break, Tea break, Lunch, and materials included.


With the collaboration of


“Is there a business in you?” The key points…

There was such a lot to cram into the time we had at our “Do you have a business in you?” event back in April. Here are some reminders of things that might have got rather short shrift on the night.

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Three effective tools to get your start-up noticed (or ‘what we can all learn from Gok Wan’)

If you’re reading this there’s a good chance you have at one time considered the possibility of running your own business. And as we all know, going it alone takes guts and more than a sprinkling of self-belief. That’s why I joined other existing and potential start-up owners to soak up some inspiration and insider knowledge, at the recent AWiSE event, ‘Do you have a business in you?’

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Join us for an exciting workshop & discover your hidden talents: Do you have a business in you? 24th April – book soon

RISE 35At Rise Business Development Circle, Luanne and I believe that, just as everyone has a book in them, so we all have ideas/skills that are potentially viable businesses.

Whether or not you want to develop that potential is a decision only you can make: all we ask is that you don’t make it until we’ve helped you to examine your resources (far more than you probably give yourself credit for), your options (the same!) and shown you how, with the right support, you can set up and grow a successful enterprise to the level that fits your needs and brings you the fulfilment we all deserve from our working lives.

Our workshop on April 24th is your opportunity to start exploring whether or not you want to take your idea forward or even to examine what that idea might be.

We’ll be making a start on the process of choosing the right objectives, mapping out the route to get there and mastering the psychological challenges.

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